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               Regular meeting of the scientific forum was conducted on 08/07/2022 at 10.30 AM.

               Scientific forum coordinator Dr.Baburajan welcomed the gathering. He read the minutes of the meeting and also introduced the guest speaker of the day, Prof.Dr.P.Subramanian M.D.S.

               Prof.Dr.P.Subramanian, who is a well known consultant facio-maxillary surgeon in his speech explained about the various challenges faced in the clinical dentistry. His lecture was interesting and informative with clinical case discussions and practical difficulties encountered in various fronts of clinical dentistry.

               Dr.Vigneswaran, Professor & Head, Dept of Oral and maxillofacial surgery presented the memento and the certificate of appreciation. 

    The Vote of thanks was given by Dr.Dinesh kumar, Professor & Head, dept of Oral and maxillofacial pathology and Oral microbiology.


VENUE:-  Lecture Hall I, RVS Dental College & Hospital

DATE:-   08.07.2022

TIME:-  10.30 PM - 01.00PM