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TOPIC:PERIO-MANTRA”: A guide for successful clinical practise.

Department of periodontology takes immense pride in hosting the interdisciplinary meeting wherein under the guidance of Dr. DeepshikaSaravanan, Head of the department, Dr.J.Bhavadharani and Dr. S. Sivasarankumar presented a case scenario on Perio-mantra: A Guide for successful clinical practise.

Our clinical society meeting focusses on building an interdepartmental co-operation wherein every department has the opportunity to educate themselves on certain unique cases done by the presenting department. This clinical society meeting was a mind blogging exchange of inter-department ideas.

As a part of this event, the programme started with a brief introduction from Dr.J. Bhavadharani, where she presented the case scenarios consisting of Gingival enlargement using lasers, frenectomy &vestibuloplasty, local drug delivery,splinting, I-PRF & Flap surgery with bone graft and followed by Dr.S. Sivasarankumar where he presented the case scenarios consisting of Incision &Drainage, Gingival depigmentation.

 Our interdisciplinary meeting focusses on building an interdepartmental co-operation wherein every department has the opportunity to educate themselves. it was an interactive session with lot of questions which was tackled well by the presenters. Dr.V.K. Vijay, Principal and Dr. Priyadharshana, Reader of department of oral & maxillofacial surgery also gave her input regarding this presentation & vote of thanks was delivered byDr. Salima,intern. This clinical society meeting was a grand success & it also through light for the Faculties, Post-graduate students and interns.